So, I heard she lives in...
"The question is whether you can make words mean so many different things."
EYESSSSS! @ Thursday, September 2, 2010
Hello! HELLO! :D

Err yeah I seem quite hyper but you can't see me with the swollen, red eye because you can't hack my webcam, HA! *evilface*

Btw, yeah, that's what happened to me today. :(
So the story is...
I came to Accounting class, all fine for the first 45 minutes.
Then I feel like I got something in my eye so I blinked right.
So from then I can't open my eye. =_= REALLY, REALLY PAINFUL!!!
I felt like killing myself on the eye D':

So I went for lunch and the reception lady put eyedrops on me,
So she took it out for me while cleansing my eye.
I didn't went to last period 'cus the lady told me not to, and she told me not to go home too. D:
(and yeah I wasn't able to go home in such state ey =_=)

So I called my mom and she called a taxi to come and fetch me.
Really painful... had to stay like that from 12:45 to 7pm :'(
And everyone got concerned maybe they think I'm crying for some reasons. - o-"
But I'm all better now, it kinda stings sometimes but at least I can see the world again!!!

I took 3-4 hours nap before it's healed. :|

I guess I gonna chop chop now, I still have homeworks to do.
NO MATTER WHAT THE EYE HAS DONE TO ME.., now I want to watch The Eye. Hmm Jessica Alba. :D

Okok, have to chopchop for real now.
Pray I'll be better tomorrow! I'm planning to use contacts and maybe God planned otherwise for me. :'(

Love love,
Angee Ross Cadaverini

HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYY. to us. soon. I'm DYING! unliterally... In these 7 days I've been... forever twenty-one. when things can't work out... BALL! caaaaaaakeeee!
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