So, I heard she lives in...
"The question is whether you can make words mean so many different things."
CONFUZZLED. :( @ Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I wasn't constipating I was just thinking you see. I'm thinking of applying for University of WA, but that action I took just now has just lowered my confidence of going into the universities in Melbourne and Sydney. ;(

NO! NO! NO! This is so not me, I believe I can fly! D: I believe I can reach University of New South Wales!!! YEAH, MAN!!! DX ................. okay maybe I need to chillax the tone down a little bit. :\

Hm, so what's been happening? Nothing much, really. I've been very very very busy last week. All the stuffs are crammed into Week 9 (yep, 5 tests and 1 big assignment in a week is hell crammed), as the teachers think that Week 10 is to finish up stuffs we haven't learned and revision, revision, revision. Can't believe the school is ending soon, this is sad, really. :'(

I can't believe I'm leaving Sydney and the second I finish my exams I won't be able to see all my good BEST friends anymore. :( It's really sad, REALLY. REAAAAAAAALLY. This is not another kind of moving school whereas you're still in the same state, the beloved WA... but, this is a case of moving to a state 4 hours far from where I am now, from where all my friends belong to. :(

I really hope I can frequently visit them, no matter of the 4 hours flight :') don't need to go back Indonesia as much anyway, right? Prolly go back Perth every mid year (or maybe less than every... sorry :( ) and Indonesia every end of year. :)

Can't wait for university life, but don't want to leave high school either. It's like the most memorable staging moments in your life, university won't look as special or as fun as high school. Trust me, this is coming from someone who is going to be an alumni of Murdoch College in a few months time. Hoping I won't be crying on the Year 12 Assembly or Graduation Day too. :(

Ah. What mellow days. ;( I need to get back to my works soon, can't really be blogging for too much right now. Need to study Maths, that last test that I got 49% really worked on putting me off. -______- Shit lah, Maths lah... need to study hard lah. JIAYOU! Add oil! :D

And to all my friends out there who are doing foundations either in Indonesia or Perth, good luck to you guys too and hope that you guys can go to the universities you all applied for! ;)

Last thing, quite least... I wonder why there's no offer coming from Mel-U? Maybe it already has an opinion on me from my application... that I'm not gonna make it. DAMN IT, SMARTIES UNIVERSITY. -________- Smarties, yum yum.


Love, Angee!

i'm hungry, almost a dead woman. :'((((( Wake up call! EYESSSSS! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYY. to us. soon. I'm DYING! unliterally... In these 7 days I've been... forever twenty-one. when things can't work out... BALL! caaaaaaakeeee!
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