So, I heard she lives in...
"The question is whether you can make words mean so many different things."
OMIGOD! @ Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm on Blogspot today! Hehe, what a rare chance to keep updating but that's because well, school has less to do now, but more to study! Exams are coming, let us all ADD OIL!!! :)

By the way, I'm here today because I want to express my happiness, my... urm, gladness! :D

First of all, do you know that I write fanfics? I post them up on Quizilla since posting them up on FF.Net is so scary. Y'know, it's like everyone is so pro! At grammar, at creativity. Me going there is just another rubbish thrown into a pile of good stuffs. ;(

So!! This is not showing off, this is showing how happy I am that I have had good readers ever since I started writing 3-4 years ago, when Quizilla was just a crap website with no feature. When Quizilla was just all quizzes, until now that it has been divided to stuffs. :) Thank God, MTV didn't buy Quizilla and ruin its awesomeness. I'll just put up a petition if they do. ;(

Here I show you some screenshots showing how glad I am. :') I'm writing one fanfic now, hehe! On the Kaichou wa Maid-sama thingy. :)) Yeah, can't really do much when you're near the exams, I guess! But writing a story won't get me stressed, instead it's a way for me to catch a break from studies. :D I love to write! I dreamed of writing high quality, beautifully plotted stories that might become best-seller. Hehe, but now I want to be a fashion pro more, that's my passion! :D


And so, secondly! I am glad that I have friends like ya'll. There might be a lot of you that a blog entry can't handle, but these are people who will take the special seats. Leaving you guys to Sydney is hard, but I will try hard to not let this opportunity go and get ready for the future! :') I know you guys will have some good ambitions too. Add oil everyone, exam's coming! Don't think of me too much ehehe... if you ever did. ;p

Tomorrow is the last day before a week's break and the two weeks MOCK exams. :( This is kind of sad, but, remembering that we'll have another week before the WACE, after the MOCKS, it makes me happier!

At least, now I still have one day and one week to laugh out loud, rolling on the floor laughing, with you guys. Them parents are right, high school is where your heart is. :') Love you much...

I guess that's all? I've just come home and haven't showered, so I need to chop chop and do some studies. Really have to get serious this time! JIAYOU! GANBATTE! ADD OIL!!! :)

Love you all much, much more than I can tell,
Angee Ross Cadaverini

CONFUZZLED. :( i'm hungry, almost a dead woman. :'((((( Wake up call! EYESSSSS! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYY. to us. soon. I'm DYING! unliterally... In these 7 days I've been... forever twenty-one. when things can't work out... BALL!
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