So, I heard she lives in...
"The question is whether you can make words mean so many different things."
Sydney and Photography @ Thursday, February 24, 2011
Hey guys!

So I'm like in Sydney now, having fun and stuff. Yeah I know you guys would be jeeaaalooousss yeah?
Because I lied.

Who the hell is having fun! Classes have already started, it's like super busy right now :'( especially last week. Enrolling to units, registering to class and changing them eventually. Ugh. -_-
It's a lot of work I swear, and I would never lie. But I love it.

And I love university as well! Except for the fact that it's been really hot on the days that I had to go to university this week. -_- Bad luck, that was.

So guys, I know lots of you are a pro at this: photography. And to tell you the truth, I'm a noob. I don't know how to operate a DSLR, I don't even know how to turn it on. The only thing I know is how do I take a photo with it (because people have been asking me to take pictures for them with these effing heavy DSLRs)

But hey, I believe something can look super pretty even if you don't have a DSLR, I mean, take my Blackberry Onyx--or even my webcam, I swear I can even focus with it--the matter with good photos are FOCUS and other thing is the MEANING.

"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them." - Elliott Erwitt

So you see that you can put a meaning into a still picture you take anyhow you want. For example, through the feeling of awe you have towards the object, your favor for the object--this especially applies for food, or any other positive feelings/aura you get when you're at the moment of taking the picture or even be in the taking of the picture.

It's awesome how just that and that alone, no Photoshop or anything, and techniques and angles can bring you to a good picture. I usually realize that when I'm browsing through the pictures I've taken.

Seriously, it doesn't ever matter. Even when I take photos of the zoo with my new camera, the Sony HD flip (it's actually way better for video taking purposes) I can somehow feel something through the picture, you know? Don't ask me why, it's even a picture of a bunch of cute monkeys and one of them is even making inappropriate pose that made us laugh.

Try looking at haunted houses or a deserted plain/town. It can still look pretty awesome right, even if when you go there it's super creepy it just makes you want to run, but something of those photos pull you in. It's kind of the feeling of the photographer that pulls you in.

This happens usually in pre-wedding photos. They make you want to get married; girls agree with me, don't you? Well most of you do, don't deny it. ;)

So, see, if you think you can just capture things up with your oh so super manually operated DSLR (I know you guys are not noob, but digital cameras have manual-operations too you know... I use them all the time for picture-takings) and you think that what you capture is pretty, but if your feeling doesn't last long, the art of it doesn't either.

Try taking a picture of someone/something you dislike with your DSLR! They'll never look pretty to you.

Even I, who hates meats except for chicken and fish, can sometimes be pulled in for a diet killer at night when I'm seeing food photos filled Tumblr. The feeling that's conveyed through the picture by the photographer.

It's not always positive though, sometimes when you see a photograph you'll feel really sad or touched. It's, again, the feeling of the photographer being conveyed back to you.

Ok, back to non-serious time, I'm no good in photography but I like taking picture of sceneries that are new to me, cute animals and awesome food (in presentation/taste) so I might be going to that way of life as a hobby. Making money out of them will be a bother, and the photos might not look as natural as before! :(

I don't take pictures of other people because... well, mainly I'm a narcissist, deal with it. B-)

If you guys are taking photography in university or any college right now, I bid you good luck! It's an awesome arts to study!

PS: If you're an art student, remember that the same applies to you, except that artists' feeling are conveyed better through the arts they drew.

I'm not wise but... yeah, hope this helps to build up some thoughts! :) Have fun! ;)

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