Love? Again? @ Friday, October 12, 2012
Good afternoon, lads and lasses! :D I am currently hyped up to blog somehow because my creativity is up, up! Thanks to Roro who keeps failing to give cheesy lines because in the end I did better than he did. ;p
He's the guy, he should be better. But not too much or I'll get sick!
Based on the mood today with the sunny side up in Perth here and it's really scorching hot outside, I know you would think that I'll be talking about happiness and how to attain it and shit. But to be honest, I attain happiness daily so I can't... talk about it. I'm going to talk about
love however. ;)
Remember a year ago I wrote about love as well? I just want to know how much my perspective of love has changed over the one year with Rodan :o it might be more mature? It might be more forgiving and accepting? It might be cuter? Or even more sparks of innocence? (Ell-oh-ell, no way!)
I have just been lingering around
HJStory, a page that always posts cute drawings about love based on the artist's relationship/marriage with the woman of his life. I just realised how people see love differently, some sees it more in a sad way, others see it in a happy way?
For me?
I can't really tell.
Last year it has only been a few months with Rodan so my view of love might be a liiittle childish! Nothing such as "experience" can be inside love. You're not in love to experience it, you're in love to, well, be happy perhaps? Last year we were pretty new, so you can't compare it, Rodan is different from the others and of course he will always be, he is not comparable to be honest so let's not go to that at all! Below are honest opinions from me (so please quote Angee Ross Cadaverini thank) about love.
Love is the happiness and excitement you feel when you see them.
For me, I may live in the same state as my boyfriend does so it won't be hard to see each other. But there were also times when we have to be separated for awhile. Either way, I am always very giddy and happy to see him (unless I called him to nag?) The happiest moment is when we have appointed a date and time to meet, and even if he was late, when you see him from a far you just wanted to start running (but I was trying reeeaaaaaally hard to retain my self-composure) I love how most of the times, the first time I see him for the day, I would
Love is no matter how angry or upset you are with them, it will all be washed away sooner or later.
Isn't it amazing, the power of love? I mean hey, I was angry with Rodan a second ago, he started to make jokes and I swear I was trying hard to be cool but I always failed. The next day, I would bring it up again and pout at him for the whole day long, and then at the end of the day I would take his hand again. I mean dude, stop hypnotising me! I am one of those girls with strong principle so if I was angry I want to be angry for a little longer but
this guy keeps breaking my anger spells! Ugh! Now I'm angry! And then he'll make me smile again. Far out,
Love is trust, faith, and honesty at the same time.
The above are the three key things after love that are essential for any everlasting relationship. You need to trust, be able to be trusted, have faith, and also be honest all the time. Lying for the sake of "our relationship" is
never a good excuse. If anything was for the sake of the relationship, it's the honest truth! Reminder that to lie actually means you don't feel bad for others for not knowing, but you'll be safe anyway. So
don't lie! It will break the trust the other person gave you and they will start losing faith. We have probably seen this everywhere but earning trust is the hardest thing to do on earth next to impossible.
Love is keeping up with each other and eventually understanding each other.
We all learn by mistakes. So it's okay when you got lashed out at, and of course it is also okay to be angry at them! That's how we learn about each other. According to my mum, you're in a relationship to get to know each other better to hopefully reach the "next stage" of your love life--though remember it's just a start cause everyone can change! I'm a very emotional person by gene (cheers to my old man) and when I get emotional I get pretty heated up I would lash out at Rodan once he gets me reaaaally angry. Times to times I would be slightly upset by the little things, others I'll be fucking pissed off by the huge things (Rodan please stop doing that...) but hey, in the end we made up no matter how severe it was compared to our other relationship problems. Both of us would make the mistakes, but we are too in love to let go of each other, that we would just "forget about it" and start a new page, starting with understanding where we did go wrong and what to do in the future to best avoid that. It's important to
forgive, but do not forget! If it goes wrong
again it's
best to remind, don't keep shut! Don't be afraid of fights, they are what built "us". You can actually change someone, but it takes themselves to actually make it happen. :)
Love is that moment when you look into each other's eyes.
No description needed here, just turn around and look into their eyes. I feel like whenever I see Roro's chinsky eyes I would be all lost (no seriously) and start thinking all those lovely thoughts. I just want to stare into his brown eyes that I am always envious about. It's amazing. I'll see love and feel love, and probably we'll start smooching in no time.
Love is you, you, you, you, you, and then us.
When I'm eating I would think about him and would he like this food, or sometimes try this food with me, or maybe what is he eating right now? When I'm sleeping, I'll be thinking if he's already asleep, or if he's still awake pulling an all-nighter to study or perhaps porn? (Nah, just joking.) When I go to work, I would think would I see him at work, like would he come up to my workplace to say hi and perhaps wait for me until I'm finished for the day so we can go on a date after? He's in your mind 95% of the time, trust me, but don't let it affect your study or be an excuse for you to flunk your tests.
Love is when everything is a happy day because you're there.
No seriously. Even if I drown in the sea because of the freaky waves out here in WA beaches, even if I fall down and break my tail bone, even if I have to eat Indian curry or spicy foods all day long, even if I fall from the hundredth floor and break my bones and bleed and all that plus I got ran over by the van, I will probably be smiling as long as he's there with me. Thanks Rodan,
you made everything better! (But sometimes you can also make the good things bad, forgive me.)
Love is that heavy feeling in your heart when you have to separate.
I fucking hate being separated but it has to happen anyway unless we're already living under one roof ohoho but that's not anytime soon. Roro and I see each other often but these still happen to us most of the times, well mostly me. Sometimes I even pissed him off because I didn't want to let go (but chill guys, I have matured!) But even so, it's still so fucking heavy to let him go. You just want to turn back. That's why in every movie where they have this separating scene they will probably tell each other "not to look back", trust me, these scenes get me most of the times. ;'(
Love is comfort, the living room, home.
The most important in any relationship is being comfortable with each other. It's like seeing each other as the place where you reside, so you can just pretty much do anything with them around. It would be hard for new relationships, but we're only starting our second year but we pretty much don't understand what embarrassing means towards each other anymore. It sounds pretty scary, to be able to fart loudly or with that "awesome" smell lingering, to be able to let out a burp and be burped back perhaps, to be able to sleep in those unglam poses in front of them, to be able to not shower the whole day with them around and maybe contaminate the laziness to them as well, being able to curse in front of them, being able to eat like a predator with them, or... well, to be able to do everything you couldn't during your first few dates together. That relieving and amazing feeling when I know how comfortable we are with each other... really.
Love is just the both of you, no one else included.
Dude, no matter how much I stress this I just can't stress enough that I hate people going through my problems and relationships. I would tell them my problems and hear their advices but what I do next is my fucking decision, not yours! I hate it when a third party is involved in our relationship, probably
intentionally breaking the trust and relationship between me and Rodan. I have told Rodan a few times now that there
are people who don't like us being together. In fact, there was this one big case between the two of us that does not just involve a third party, but a couple of third parties. I don't know why they are such fucking arseholes to even dare to
say Rodan is not in love with me and therefore I should break up. I don't know why they would even bother working together to break us down (lol wat i cnat evne) I don't know why they are such bitches that get
in between me and Rodan so that in the future if I see this I would get all fired up and then lash out at them (I swear I have been jealous a few times before but now I see this they are all fucking gone man, where did it go? Sorry, you know who you are sobs
BUT NOT THIS ONE YOUNG BITCH OK I'M NOT SORRY) Aherm. Anyway, IMHO try to solve problems between yourselves, no matter how hard it would be for the other to hear it... and tell stories to third parties later after they're solved! I swear it would be much easier that way. They might want us to break up, but we don't, right? Why should we listen? Remember, this is my biggest tip that help me through life and problems:
listen to yourself because you're the only one who listens, who understands, and you're the only one who you can trust. :)
Love is...
Basically everything
him/her. And of course everything
Thank you all for reading if anyone ever read this super long post (phew! What did I even write?) But trust me, tl;dr my view of love has probably
changed one way or another. The basics are still the same though? It's just like law you know, yeah, I think. Anyway.
One thing still has not changed:
use safety!
Why the fuck did I write that anyway? Enjoy your day!
Lots of beautiful love,
Angee Ross Cadaverini