So, I heard she lives in...
"The question is whether you can make words mean so many different things."
Judging you... @ Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Okay, so another one to the emotional blog strike here but I really need to get this off of my mind.

It's about people judging  people, and I admit I did that to sometimes but I just can't see why I should constantly do that. I mean pff guys I'm not perfect.

There was one time when I told my ex-friend (lol yep ex-friend) a story about a guy friend of mine POSSIBLY sleeping together with his girlfriend (which is also my friend) for obvious reasons and then the story spread like wildfires and then she is starting to say things about this friend of mine for being a bad guy. Okay, the point is that this guy friend didn't do anything bad to her, she doesn't even know him well... I used to judge them too but I see this friend is really, really saying bad things about her to the point that I couldn't take it anymore and told her, "Stop it man, pity them you don't even know them well..."

I also told this same ex-friend (she is the queen of judge for now I see, I regret for trusting her pssh) about me starting to drink quite occasionally, this happened just recently too. And then guess what she said? "You're starting to become an alcoholic," she said as she raised an eyebrow with me. The moment when I heard her voice trailed down at "alcoholic" I just laughed it off. "Can't help it, alcohols taste good."

Hence the reason why I never told her about my relationship especially nowadays. Hell I don't trust her on anything anymore (ba ha ha evil laugh) I can keep them to myself :\

Ok, let's go back to the topic. It just came to me when I realised what my friend once said to me before telling me her secret, which I will keep a secret so I won't tell you. What she said was: "I'll tell you, but don't judge me okay?"

I was like shocked? Stunned? I don't know, so I said to her in reflex, "What? No! I would never judge you, you're my best friend, man!" After she told me, I see that it's something that most people would judge about and so I kind of shook my head in my heart... if that works. I just listened to her story and went along with it, never until now I have judged her in my head.

Reason? She hasn't done anything bad to me! She's been a very good friend and I don't see why I should judge her, at all?

This is what's bad about people around me and I kind of do the same thing too, they would "judge" about people that didn't even do bad things to them; about people who are actually nice but they just have these habits or something.

I like to drink. "Wow you're bad."
I like to smoke. "Pssh this person has got to have bad attitude or something."
I like to go clubbing. "The worst."
I had sex with my boyfriend. "She's a whore."
I ... "You ..."


You can slip out one or two judgement but please don't judge person on everything that they do that doesn't appeal to you! Just because someone puts their money for charity doesn't always mean they're a really good person though, trust me...

Unless someone does something to you, try not to judge them.


Angee R Cadaverini

Eeheehee. How's life? Shh... Love? Again? Time is travelling unexpectedly fast Semester 2, 2012 haha what? We are the champions, my friend! Happy birthday, Rodan! :) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Paranoia.
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